Stages of Growth X-Ray

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If you aren’t growing, you are dying.


Many issues that can create chaos in a business aren’t correctly identified or are mislabeled, bundled together or buried under other categories. Misidentifying these kinds of issues can lead a CEO or business owner to attempt to solve one aspect of the problem while ignoring related risk factors and the real underlying causes. Taking the time to identify your top challenges and working to get your management team aligned to address and solve them is a critical step to ensure that you stay ahead of your company’s growth curve.


Our Stages of Growth X-Ray Helps a CEO:

  • Gauge and gain clarity on the root causes of organizational dysfunction
  • Develop and enact an effective model for growth
  • Instill alignment and buy-in with key people, process & profit issues
  • Identify the factors that create challenges during growth and implement strategies to weather them

Our Approach

We conduct a critical diagnostic of your company’s past, present and future decisions that identifies the “hidden agents” that are impacting a company’s ability to grow. We then develop a plan with senior management that can be successfully implemented to resolve these distracting issues so they can focus on the “right things at the right time”.

Day 1 – Diagnosis: Assessment & Discovery

The first part of the X-Ray involves diagnosing the issues that are creating obstacles to growth, specific to a company’s stage of growth.

Identify Organizational Strengths and Challenges

We assess 27 organizational strengths and challenges to assist CEOs and their management teams in identifying and addressing areas that will impact their company as they grow.

Understand The Company’s Builder/Protector Ratio

The Builder/Protector Ratio is a critical measurement tool that enables leadership to assess the company’s ability to accept change, react with confidence to that change and help the company achieve its stated goals.

By assessing your company’s Builder/Protector Ratio CEOs and business owners gain insight into their company’s mental health by:

  • Allowing them to measure the company’s ability to perceive and overcome challenges.
  • Communicating the company’s willingness to both recognize and take advantage of opportunities.
  • Measure the strength of the company’s “immune defense system” which acts as a barrier against low morale that can produce poor performance.
  • Assess the company’s willingness to advance itself through the change process.
  • Asserting the company’s belief in the future.
  • Assessing the company’s trust in its leaders.

Establish Non-Negotiable Leadership Rules

We assess your company’s 5 Non-Negotiable Leadership Rules that must be addressed to effectively and profitably move to the next stage of growth. This process identifies the “hidden agents” and deep issues that have been overlooked to provide direction for the CEO and clarity and alignment for the organization.

Day 2 – Treatment: Alignment & Accountability

The second part of the X-Ray focuses on treatment by achieving alignment on priority initiatives to address the top 6 – 8 issues and set accountabilities.

Strategic Alignment & Critical Initiatives         

By addressing all critical issues identified during the assessment and discovery process, then evaluating how they impact the strategic focus of the company, we develop through consensus, the top initiatives that will address critical growth concerns not addressed in prior growth stages, including those facing the company during its current growth stage.

Intentional Communications

Recognizing what a critical role communication plays in a company’s growth, we create a two-step approach that defines who needs to know what and when, and how those messages will be distributed within and outside the organization.

Creating a Language of Growth

Knowing that a company moves through different stages of growth and the areas of impact are “normal” takes the fear out of growth.  Taking the mystery out of running a business helps each and every person feel like participating in critical discussions.  Being able to express challenges and issues in everyday language makes everyone feel like a valuable stakeholder, broadening their understanding of how their work impacts the company and recognizing that their contribution improves a company’s bottom line.


CEOs and their Senior Management Team will understand the fundamental growth issues based on their stage of growth so they can attack issues BEFORE they appear, allowing them to literally forecast what they will need to do next.

Client Commitment

The Stages of Growth X-Ray is a 2-day strategic planning workshop followed by regular team meetings to evaluate progress and accountability of established initiatives.

Each member of the leadership team will need to complete multiple online surveys and commit to the agenda.

Additional Organizational Development Services