Organizational/360 Surveys

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360 surveys

Identify the Types of Interventions Required to Grow

You don’t have to spend hours developing a survey to assess your organization. The Business Solutions Coach® brings you all the value with minimal time investment. We provide survey question templates to help our clients develop their own fully customizable survey that meets their needs and are easily administered 24/7 through secure online access. With the ability to complete surveys anywhere, anytime, it is fast and easy to obtain critical decision-making information that will support continued organizational success.

Organizational Development/Employee Engagement Surveys

Successful organizations see the importance of addressing the needs of employees. To do this, they must regularly assess their services, policies, and practices to ensure they are providing the leadership, work environment, management practices and incentives top-notch employees require. Organizational and employee engagement surveys, customized to gather the right information, are a vital diagnostic tool to determine how the organization can improve or modify their culture to achieve employee satisfaction.

360/Personal Performance Surveys

Personal effectiveness within each key position is crucial to the ongoing success of the organization. 360 surveys allow respondents to provide valuable feedback regarding the effectiveness of another individual’s performance. The results of 360 surveys are then used to enhance and develop the individual.

Product and Service Feedback Surveys

Providing the best products or services to your clients is critical to success. A customer feedback survey will give you the valuable feedback you need to ensure your clients will continue to support your organization. The customer feedback survey also tells your clients that you care about your relationship with them. Get the facts related to the success of your new marketing plan, or an evaluation of a new product.


Data is only as good as what you do with it.

To help you get the most out of reviewing your survey results we provide a variety of report options, including mean score, unfavorable/favorable, frequency distribution, and written comments report.

We also assist you in getting the greatest ROI for organizational improvement, product or service enhancements, and employee development, while identifying the types of interventions required to grow.

360 surveys have their greatest impact when used to evaluate and improve the performance of whole organizations.

We assist managers and executives in using the information provided by a 360 survey to create organizational and individual development plans. Managers and executives also gain tremendous personal benefit as they see how their leadership styles and methods are perceived by those they manage. As they make adjustments to better interact with and manage their employees, the entire organization benefits from the improvement to productivity.

Client Commitment

Since each survey can be customized to suit your needs, you are in control of the parameters. You choose the survey titles, content, respondent instructions, demographic filters, categories, questions, rating scales and comment areas.

Clients need to ensure data provided through a 360 survey is collected, processed and evaluated in an unbiased process.

Click here for OD/360 survey sample reports and administration guides.

Additional Organizational Development Services